Energy Safety Canada

Canada’s Oil and Gas Safety Association

H2S Alive

Course Description

The purpose of this course is to teach workers how to work safely in and around environments containing hydrogen sulphide (H2S), a naturally occurring gas with various names such as sour gas, acid gas, stink damp, or sulphurated hydrogen. H2S is a colorless and extremely toxic gas, heavier than air in its pure form, and can even deaden the sense of smell. At low concentrations, it causes eye and throat irritation with a rotten egg smell, while at high concentrations, it can lead to death.

Given these risks, it is crucial to receive proper training on how to protect oneself when working in industries where H2S may be present. This course provides participants with the knowledge and skills to identify and detect H2S, mitigate hazards when working in an H2S environment, and respond to incidents involving H2S release. The course covers both theoretical and practical exercises to ensure participants gain a thorough understanding of the subject matter.

Reward Upon Completion
Upon successful completion of the course and examination with a minimum score of 70%, you will receive a Certificate of Completion that is valid for three years.

Topics Covered
H2S properties
Health hazards and locations
Hazard assessment and control
Respiratory protective equipment
Detection of H2S
Initial response strategy

It is mandatory for participants to wear a mask and have the ability to breathe properly while attending the course.
Participants are required to be capable of performing rescue drag techniques as a part of the course.
Basic literacy and comprehension in the language used for course instruction is necessary.

Industries Covered
Oil and Gas, Military, and Construction

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Length Of Course
8 hours

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